Tiger Cub Den Meeting Plans
Den meeting plans are developed around a Scouting program year that is presumed to begin in early September and continue through May, at which time Cub Scouts would become involved in summertime Scouting activities.
Two types of den meeting plans are offered for the den leader’s use:
Numbered plans: Programming for the program/school year (September through May), including rank advancement requirements for dens meeting twice a month
Lettered or supplemental plans: Additional programming for dens meeting year-round or more than twice per month
The den meeting plans for each rank are designed to be conducted in sequential order. Certain activities are partially completed in one meeting and finished in another. Other activities or skills are natural prerequisites for things that come later in the den’s year.
Local conditions (weather, events, etc.) or your den’s schedule may make altering the order of the den meetings attractive. As a den leader, you may change the order solong as you make sure the change does not jeopardize the boys’ opportunity to earn their rank in the allotted time or disrupt the logical order of the activities and achievements.When there is any doubt, the planned order should be used. Discuss with your Cubmaster any changes, as they may also affect pack activities.