Why join Cub Scouts?

As a parent, you want your child to grow up to be a self-reliant, dependable, and caring individual. So does Scouting! Time-tested and parent-approved, Cub Scouting weaves lifetime values into a kid-friendly, age-specific program of exciting activities and achievement. Best of all, you get to be a part of the action as you share true quality time and form memories with your child that last a lifetime.

Interested?  Click here to register with Pack 32 today!

For more information contact:

Cubmaster :  cubmaster@pack32santaclara.net

Committee Chair :  chair@pack32santaclara.net

Scouting America Anthem-vid-BC.mp4

Scouting America

"social without the media"

Scouting Provides:

Value for your investment

Flexibility for your busy schedule

New skills and abilities

Stewardship of the earth and community

Positive role models and experiences for your child

Experiences & memories that last a lifetime

What Scouts Do?

Camping Outdoor Games Swimming Archery Knots Marksmanship Cooking Fishing Field Trips Summer Day Camps Community Service Projects STEAM Sports and Games Woodworking Pinewood Derby Car Races Hands-on-Projects Make New Friends And so much more!

What Do Scouts Learn?

Confidence Independence Teamwork Leadership Resilience Citizenship Compassion Emergency Preparedness Environmental Consciousness First Aid Outdoor Skills Empathy

How Much Does Cub Scouting Cost?

Our Leaders work hard to keep the cost of our program low and Our annual dues are less than the cost of most sports in a single season. Some of the cost of our Pack and Den events are covered by our Annual Dues and our Popcorn Fundraiser. Visit our Pack 32 Dues webpage for our current program cost.

How Much Time Does Scouting Involve?

Cub Scouting is designed to fit your family's busy schedule. Pack 32 meets three times a month on Wednesdays for about an hour. Family-friendly outings and activities are held throughout the year on the weekends.