Car Registration
Try to get a look or demo of the software prior to the day so that you know what to expect. The software UI is not at all intuitive.
Load a roster of the Pack before the day of PWD! Will save lots of typing. Each Den should be a separate "group"
Day of
Try to have someone run a “pit stop” area (away from the registration desk) for last minute checks with tools, sand paper and extra weights/glue. If you don't pass inspection, you must go to the pit crew and cannot continue registration
First station: Inspection
There are tools in the P32 Pinewood Derby box that helps you do the requirements checks. You have to make sure of the following four (4) things:
weight <=5.0g
all 4 wheels touch the track
fits within "the box"
height can fit underneath the track finish line
Second station: Registration
If you don't have the roster, you will need to type in the various fields
Last Name (suggestion: Just use the last initial, BUT this could lead to problems when creating the awards)
First Name
Car # (Auto assigned by the software)
Car Name (scouts some times need help in choosing; encourage them to keep it short)
Group (selected on the left nav, should have been pre-created)
Ensure that each car has a dot
Try to have every division uses the same color dot
Have each dot have the following info - this information is useful when queuing up the cars for their heats
Car # (Car numbers are assigned by system )
Den #/Division
Car Name
Third Station: Scout’s Choice Voting
Prepare slips and ballot box for voting - voting is done per RANK and includes adults and siblings