Shoreline Park Hike

Hike location: Shoreline at Mountain View (3160 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94043)

Hike distance: 2.5 - 3 miles

Gathering place: Shoreline Lake Park parking lot

Gathering time: Sunday 26 March 2023 @ 2 PM

Hike start time: 2:15 PM

Hike end time: 4:00 PM (approximate)

What to wear: Class A (den uniform) or Class B (pack t-shirt) uniform

Bring your Cub Scout Six Essentials and your Medical A/B forms.

Prepare a nutritious snack to eat as well!

To satisfy the Webelos Walkabout requirement "Plan a hike or outdoor activity", the Webelos Scouts chose a beautiful flat hike to the Pelican Nesting View on the Adobe Creek Loop Trail. The hike begins on the paved/bike paths at Shoreline Lake. We will walk the north perimeter of the lake and connect with the Adobe Creek Loop Trail in the Palo Alto Baylands. This part of the hike is unpaved dirt/gravel. We will hike to the Pelican Nesting View and break for a short snack before returning along the same trail.

The hike should take about 90 minutes.